Top 3 Legit AI Crypto Altcoins That will EXPLODE Like NVIDIA Stock in 2025

The world is moving deeper and deeper into the era of artificial intelligence and top companies are no longer just implementing it into their technologies but actively creating something new. A breakthrough in the world of AI. 

Nvidia is once again shaking up the AI market and will soon be reporting its quarterly results, and this can greatly contribute to the growth of AI coins as it has happened many times before. Now is the time to pick the best AI coins that will show strong growth against the background of all this news. Today we're going to discuss crypto projects that can make you a real AI investment king. 

Top 3 Legit AI Crypto Altcoins That will EXPLODE Like NVIDIA Stock in 2025

Table of Contents

Nvidia Stock

Nvidia has seen some crazy growth over the past few weeks. The company's market cap has soared by nearly 750 billion dollars in just a week and a half. Usually when Nvidia grows, so do AI coins. However, we are currently observing that crypto assets are not doing very well, so what is it? 

The history of the pump by Nvidia will not repeat itself, or the market simply did not have time to show the reaction to interesting news in the field of shares. Let's find out. 

Actually, everything is as simple as possible Right now. The market is not going through the best of times. Many investors just can't hold back and are pouring their altcoins into the market because they see terrible drawdowns in their portfolios. We are seeing significant.nt manipulation before the start of something really big before the start of the biggest bull run in cryptocurrency history. 

So while others don't get it. I just want to make it clear that the current prices are a great opportunity to buy off a bottom that will soon turn into a big upside. When Nvidia shows strong results AI cryptocurrencies tend to explode as well. 

And here is an important detail, on August 28. TH Nvidia will announce its next earnings report and if we look at past reports, we have always seen a sharp rise in AI cryptocurrencies after them. Today, almost every company in the world is trying to implement AI technologies and the demand for such solutions is only growing. 

In particular, companies like TSMC that supply chips for AI have already seen revenue growth of 44.7 percent year overhear. This suggests that AI is not going anywhere and this trend is only going to get stronger. So if you like this story and see a future in it, you should definitely have a portfolio of relatively stable AI crypto assets. 

Disclaimer: But before you do I want to make it clear that this post is in no way financial advice. It is just my analysis of the market and my thoughts on it. Be sure to do your own research. 

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1. Render Token

Render Token is a true breakthrough in the world of 3D rendering. We all know that today's digital entertainment from online games to metaverses is increasingly dependent on powerful computing power to create cool 3D visual effects. And that's where render Token comes in a complete game changer that gives creators an efficient and secure way to access the most powerful computers for complex rendering tasks via blockchain GPU. 

Renderers powered by Render Token are being used not only in the film industry but also in the design of video games. VR experiences, and other areas where it is necessary to create visual effects quickly and with high quality. What's even cooler is that the render network is a self-sustaining ecosystem. 

Users who contribute their computing resources and purchase additional resources with render Tokens are rewarded, incentivizing them to hold the tokens as their value increases with demand. This reward system not only motivates existing users to continue investing in the network but also attracts new members, creating a dynamic and profitable environment. 

Security, trust, and transparency are not just words here, they are the basis for further growth and success of the render network. In addition to all these things, it is very important to clarify that Render definitely has the best and biggest web2 partners in the world. Render network technologies are very actively used by the giant in the field of technology, Apple. 

In addition to such a large and significant cooperation, render works with Nvidia which should reflect well on the coin, especially if you consider the growth of revenues in the field of GPUs. Well, of course, this list can go on for a long time, but I can't just talk about render today. 

Renders market capitalization is 1.7 billion dollars, but I am confident that by 2025 we can see a capitalization of 80 billion dollars, which is a possible increase of 47 times. So if you are looking for a project with great potential in the world of AI and 3D rendering, render is exactly what you need especially if you take into account the fact that right now it can be purchased at a crazy discount. 


Now let's talk about Bittensor or as it's also called Tao. It is a decentralized network that changes the rules of the game by connecting not just computers or servers but machine learning models from around the world. Imagine a global brain where each neuron is a machine-learning model owned by different people. They work together to process information and provide intelligent answers. Just as the neurons in our brain help us think and make decisions. 

Tao is a native Bittensor network token that serves several important functions. It incentivizes network participants, such as miners, to contribute their computing resources to machine learning tasks by rewarding them with TAO tokens. 

To become a miner and earn rewards, participants must deposit their TAO tokens. In addition, TAO is used for network administration. Token holders can propose changes, vote on protocol updates, or participate in other decision-making processes. Users who need machine learning services on the Bittensor network can pay for them with TAO tokens, creating a marketplace where tokens are exchanged for computational work. 

Tao has the potential to become a significant asset in the growing field of decentralized AI services. This could not only increase the value of TAO as a token, but also cement Bittensor's position as one of the key players in the AI blockchain combination of the future by the Way. 

A great example of the implementation of TAO technology is a trading bot built on the TAO subset. It previously showed good profit performance, but recently stopped trading and went into the red. 

Bittensor currently has a market cap of two billion dollars, but given the progress of this project and the value it brings, we could see a market cap of 40 billion dollars by 2025. That means a potential growth of 40 times. Well, while we are moving on to the next token, let us know what you think about TAo in the comments. 

Top 5 TINY RWA Crypto Altcoins For 2024 I'm buying right now!

Akash Network

Akash  Network is the first GPU marketplace in the cryptocurrency market, so let's start with the fact that this is the Airbnb of the cryptocurrency world. That's what the project calls itself, but why in general Akash is almost a direct competitor of Render Network, only with much more advanced functionality. 

It's actually a marketplace where you can rent GPUs for pretty cheap. The main difference is that Render is more focused on working with large companies and corporations, whereas Akash is more aimed at small users who don't need huge volumes. 

Although large volumes are not a problem for Akash and here you have to understand that there are already a lot of similar projects in the Crypto area. All of them have been tested for years and have names that are quite familiar to everyone. But Akash has absolutely beaten all participants in this market. 

average static GPU rental prices chart

Look at the average static GPU rental prices at the top of this market. In the last few years, prices have risen to crazy levels, and here is a comparison with the price of Akash network. 

GPU rental price of Akash network

It is not difficult to understand that this cryptocurrency project will create unrealistic competition for the market even though for such a price you can actually get top iron. That is why I see a lot of potential in this project in the medium term. After all in the future iron from top providers will become even more expensive and Akash Network for its part will try to make its services even cheaper or at least keep prices at the same level. 

They also have their own AI models similar to those offered by ICP. It is an analog of Chat GPT which works quite effectively and most importantly is absolutely free for everyone. In addition, one of their developments is an AI model that converts text into images. It is worth noting the speed of its work, but this is not so important because the next pump will be thanks to the GPU. 

Akash Network currently has a market capitalization of 600 million dollars, but I am sure this is just the beginning. I predict that by 2025, Akasha's capitalization will reach at least ten billion dollars and that for a moment is a potential growth of 16 times. 

Final Thought

Well, that's it. I would like to remind you that this post is in no way financial advice. This is just my view and thoughts on the market. So always do your own research and invest wisely before you invest. 

Vinod Pandey

About the Author: Vinod is an experienced content writer with over 7 years of experience in crafting engaging and informative articles. His passion for reading and writing spans across various topics, allowing him to produce high-quality content that resonates with a diverse audience. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, Vinod consistently delivers top-notch work that exceeds expectations.

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